ethane   Thermodynamic & Transport Properties (Based on Mercury model)
CAS Number
Pure Or Mix Name
English Full Name
Chemical Formula
Molecular Weight
Synonym Ethane; bimethyl; dimethyl; ethyl hydride; methylmethane
Molecular Weight
Triple Point Temperature Triple 
    Point Temperature
Normal Boiling Point 标准沸点
Critical Temperature Critical Temperature
Critical PressureCritical Pressure
Acentric FactorAcentric Factor?
ethane :Introduction
Temperature =
Pressure =
Density =
Specific Enthalpy =
Specific Entropy =
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ethane :Thermodynamic & Transport Properties Calculated Result
Molecular Weight=
Celsius,Fahrenheit,Reaumur & Thermodynamic Temperature ConversionTemperature=
absolute pressure & gauge pressurePressure=
specific volumeSpecific Votume=
Specific EnthalpySpecific Enthalpy=
Specific Entropy Specific Entropy =
Molar Volume Fraction=

Saturated Vapor Pressure, Boiling Point, the latent heat of vaporization is saturated. Only one parameter can be found.
Saturated Vapor Pressure=
Boiling Point=
latent heat of vaporization Latent Heat of Vaporization=
Specific Heat at Constant PressureSpecific Heat at Constant Pressure(Cp)=
Constant Volume Specific Heat(Cv)=
Adiabatic ExponentCp/Cv=
Quality Vapor Quality=
Compression Factor Compression Factor=
Joule-Thomson CoefficientJoule-Thomson Coefficient=
Speed of SoundSound Velocity=
Thermal Conductivity Thermal Conductivity=
 Thermal Diffusivity Thermal Diffusivity=
Kinematic ViscosityKinematic Viscosity =
Dynamic ViscosityDynamic Viscosity =
Prandtl Number Prandtl Number=

wreckittim : These numbers are just wrong for specific enthalpy. How are they going down with increasing temperature? (2017/10/24 15:07:31)
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